PROFILE Flexible Addressable Panels /لمزيد من التفاصيل و المعلومات برجاء الاتصال علي E techno Trade المبيعات : مي 01023629342

p%2B%25281%2529 PROFILE Flexible Addressable Panels /لمزيد من التفاصيل و المعلومات برجاء الاتصال علي E techno Trade المبيعات : مي 01023629342

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PROFILE Flexible is a powerful fire detection and alarm system that uses MZX Technology at its heart. MZX Technology was originally designed for operation in the most hostile of environments, therefore the system is highly resilient to external factors such as electrical noise, including interference from electrical signals from other devices, and sources of false alarm.
With the introduction of a slot card mechanism, PROFILE Flexible panels can be tailored to the specific requirements of the application and the environment being protected. If a site changes or is developed, the system can be easily expanded to fulfill new requirements.
The panel has been specifically engineered to offer increased loop capacity and the option to share loops giving even more flexibility in the systems design and a reduction in installation costs.

The touchscreen user interface, with context sensitive help, has been ergonomically engineered so that every operation is made easy. Features such as the touch sensitive LEDs that provide detailed status information are intended to ensure a fast response to all system events. The system combines ease of use with high performance, and through innovation brings lifetime cost benefits to end users.
The PROFILE Flexible range offers integrated fire detection solutions for many applications including hotels, commercial offices, healthcare environments, industrial and manufacturing facilities.
  • Touchscreen Guided User Interface (GUI)
  • Keyless Log-On Using RFID Tags
  • LED Display
  • Slot Card Mechanism
  • Mounting Frame
  • Increased Loop Capacity
  • Larger Housings
  • Battery Box
  • Shared Loop Availability

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